Monday, July 26, 2010

WEEK 1 - Concept mapping

This weeks effort very basic i know, but as the title of my blog suggests it is small steps at a time. I have found this workshop interesting as well as information overload. There was no time for slow and steady. I have no major computer skills, google and email are the extent of my skills i'm afraid. So this is sure to be an interesting learning journey. The workshop will be beneficial i am sure, as the hands on approach to learning will enable me to acquire new knowledge and master the various skills and techniques and finally apply them.
In this case 'Tell me and i'll forget, show me and i may remember, involve me and i'll understand'. Clearly technology and the use of ICT in the classroom is the way of the future. So let the journey begin!

Todays lesson involved the exploration of Inspiration software , Paint program, as well as the Print screen technique. Inspiration Software is considered the 'ultimate thinking and learning tool enabling students to comprehend, create, communicate and achieve more'
Todays focus was on building graphic organisers, such as concept maps, mind maps, webs etc. What a fantastic tool to use in the classroom. I do agree with Greg in that we often under estimate the abilities of younger students. Why not begin with Inspiration instead of Kidspiration, i'm sure many younger students already have the basic computer skills and as you are all aware they pick things up so quickly.
Below are some of the uses for Inspiration

As you can see for the development of my own concept map i have stuck with the basics. I have decided to look at living and non-living, an idea that i have taken from my last teaching rounds. I had to teach a science unit that required the students to draw concept maps of the living and non-living things in the school playground. The use of Inspiration would have been ideal. The fantastic thing about Inspiration and even the use of concept maps is that it is not limited to older students. It can be used for various age groups depending on the learning outcome that you as the teacher want to achieve.

Below are a couple of other examples of concept maps.
The first is used to divide animals into species.
The second explores habitats in our world